4 Dozen Roses

48 Red Rose Bouquet 48 red roses, gardenia leaf around, pink beautifully diamond style packaged. Your purchase includes a complimentary...
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48 Premium Red Roses Bouquet Make a grand statement with a stunning 48-piece premium red roses bouquet, a perfect symbol of deep love...
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$88.95 $84.95
48 Red Roses Basket 48 red roses be arranged in a flower basket, match greenery and flowers  (basket style and color may vary)....
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48 Red Roses in a Beautiful Basket A great combination of 4 dozen deeply red roses and white fillers makes this basket becomes outstanding.This...
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$127.95 $92.95
Pink Cloud Roses Basket This basket with 48 sweet pinky roses and white roses is the sweetest way to share your thoughts to anyone you care for....
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50 Stems Red Roses Bouquet  Red roses 50 stems with baby's breath, gardenia leaves. Light-coloured gauze wrapped....
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$126.95 $94.95
A Beautiful Roses Basket For You This basket is just shine in the darkest days, 48 orange and white shiny roses with greens Calimero will sure...
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